Drainforce provide cesspit and septic tank emptying and removal across the whole of South and West Wales. We are a licensed waste disposal contractor, caring for hundreds of private drainage systems outside of the main drainage network. We appreciate the need to attend discreetly and efficiently without any fuss. We respond to any call within 12 hours, usually within 8 hours.
Call today for a no obligation quote for your cesspit or septic tank maintenance or service.
A cesspit is a sealed tank for the reception and temporary storage of sewage. Because it is sealed, the tank must be emptied frequently in many cases as often as weekly. Because of the need for frequent emptying, the cost of maintenance of a cesspit can be high.
Yes, a cesspit can overflow or leak. Overflowing or leaking cesspits are an offence under the 1936 Public Health act. If it pollutes a water course, the Environment Agency may take legal action.
A cesspit can smell because it has to allow for sewage gasses to vent and exit the tank. They need to be checked regularly so that you avoid overflows and know when they need emptying.
NO! Do not try to fix yourself and do not enter the tank as gases could suffocate you. If a cesspit leaks please call us so we can resolve the issue. We are trained, experienced and have the correct specialist equipment required.
Many people confuse a cesspit with a septic tank. Septic tanks do provide a basic sewage treatment system and have an outlet to a soak-away. Hence, they only require emptying once a year.
Trusted by:
Drainforce Ltd,
Hazel Brook Garage,
Sageston, Tenby,
Pembrokeshire SA70 8SY
Phone: 01646 400570
Taunton Office:
Drainforce Ltd,
Courtlands Estate,
Taunton TA2 6NS
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